Young people redesigning politics

2020-11-13 12:24:00 +0000

Can we keep in touch?

We are working with young people across the country to redesign the political system that they will inherit. 

Who is this for? 

Anyone aged 11-18 (plus their teachers).

How do I get involved?

If you are in that age range, ask your teachers to a session in your school on redesigning politics (download the short guide here).

If you are teacher, click on this link for the guide to taking part.

What if I am not in school?

No problem. Still use this guide to get involved and then email [email protected] to say you'd like to take part in our national zoom meeting in February 2021. 

Why are you doing this?

Time and again we hear from young people that they do not want to get involved in politics because they don't like the way it is carried out. That's an absolute tragedy. We need young and diverse voices to be getting involved in politics - they are the leaders of today and of the future. So, we want to ensure that young people inherit a political system that represents, inspires, and engages them.

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