Campaigning for respectful politics is a key part of our work.
Robust debate and scrutiny are essential aspects of our democratic process; abuse and intimidation shouldn’t have to be. Abuse can make elected representatives feel they need to step down and put potential future candidates off standing altogether. We all have a responsibility to challenge this.
Together with The Joe Cox Foundation, we urge everyone engaging in politics to take the Civility Pledge.
Background to the Civility Pledge
The Civility Pledge has been created in partnership between The Jo Cox Foundation and Compassion in Politics, two organisations working to improve UK politics.
Compassion in Politics is a cross-party think-tank working to put compassion, inclusion, and cooperation at the heart of politics. Find out more about their work.
The Jo Cox Foundation is the charity making meaningful change on issues that Jo Cox MP was passionate about, including respectful politics. Find out more about this work.

When engaging in politics, I pledge to
- Use a civil and constructive tone in debate
- Act with integrity, honesty and compassion
- Behave respectfully towards others, including those I disagree with