Video highlights from our "War to Wellbeing" debate

2020-05-08 18:57:00 +0100

Video highlights from our panel discussion with Sir Michael Marmot, Baroness Brown, Professor Carol Propper, George Ferguson CBE, and Dr Ewan McGaughey on how we move from a war-footing to improving public wellbeing.

Doctors and nurses are held to a very strict code of honesty and transparency. Should our politicians be subject to the same standards?


  • Sir Michael Marmot on how we could revolutionise politics overnight with a new cultural standard in politics.
  • Dr Ewan McGaughey on how we can make politicians act honestly.
  • Dr Carol Propper on the problems of lobbying
  • George Ferguson CBE on why he is hopeful positive change can come despite the Covid-19.

What have we learned from this crisis and how do we avoid returning to business as usual? How will the government afford to make investments in dealing with climate breakdown?


  • Baroness Brown on the policies that need to be at the centre of the recovery
  • Sir Michael Marmot on why improving health and tackling climate breakdown go hand in hand
  • Dr Ewan McGaughey on the changes we have to make to our financial system
  • George Ferguson CBE on how we can implement a revolution in food production

How should we be measuring economic “progress”?


  • Baroness Brown on the need to embed the principle of fairness in the economy
  • Sir Michael Marmot on why we should measure health, not GDP as a marker of success
  • Dr Ewan McGaughey on alternatives to GDP


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