Stop abuse online

2021-01-25 10:45:07 +0000

Can we keep in touch?

We are working with More United, Centenary Action Group, and the Women's Institute on a campaign to eradicate online abuse.

Bullying and harassment on social media is having a devastating impact on the lives of many users. Our research with Opinium found that 1 in 4 people have suffered abuse online and a similar number (27%) say that fear of abuse has prevented them posting comments online. Two-thirds (61%) believe that social media companies are not doing enough to tackle abuse on their sites.

The #StopTheHate coalition is working cross-party to bring an end to abuse online. We're calling on the government to implement a number of reforms - through its upcoming Online Harms Bill - that would significantly reduce the incidences of abuse and increase the penalties on social media companies for allowing hate to spread on their sites. 

Find out more by visiting the campaign website. 

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