Behaviour in Commons shows urgent need for reform
Commenting on the alleged bullying that took place during last night's Commons vote on fracking, Co-Director of Compassion in Politics Jennifer Nadel said:
“The worrying reports we’re hearing about the use of physical coercion and intimidation in the lobby last night just shows we need a total change in the culture of our politics.
“One immediate step that must be taken is, as so many parliaments across the world have done, to introduce electronic voting. That allows members to cast their vote in a professional manner without undue influence from colleagues.
“We also need a complete review of the Whipping system in parliament. We have repeatedly called for this system - which in its present style and form is a type of institutionalised bullying - to be either scrapped or significantly reformed. The public needs to know that their representatives are making decisions in good faith, not because they have been threatened, cajoled, or extorted.
“And more generally we need MPs, party leaders, and the Speaker to come together to undertake a thorough review of the culture of our politics - inside and outside Westminster - to ensure that it is working to the highest standard of inclusion, cooperation, and compassion.”
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