Help more Afghan refugees

Following the seizure of Afghanistan by the Taliban, the UK government has pledged to accept 20,000 refugees from the country. 5,000 will arrive in the first year of the scheme. 

That is nowhere near enough.

The UK had already committed to settling 3,000 Afghan staff in the coming year: an increase of 2,000 is woefully inadequate compared to the scale of the atrocities taking place in the country. 

Please join us in urging the government to take 20,000 refugees in the first year of the resettlement scheme and to scrap the arbitrary cap on the total number that they intend to help. 

Sign our letter to the Home Secretary and make sure she knows that Britain can and should do more. 

Will you endorse?

Dear Priti Patel MP,

We welcome the new “Afghan Citizen’s Resettlement Scheme” but we are deeply concerned that the current proposal - to give sanctuary to 20,000 refugees over a multi-year period - lacks the necessary ambition and urgency. 

The target represents a diminutive increase on a pre-existing commitment: the government had already pledged to relocate 3,000 Afghan staff to Britain this year. 

Many millions more have been - and will continue to be - displaced in the ensuing weeks and months. Our ambitions must rise to meet that challenge.

We urge the government to expedite it’s proposal so that 20,000 refugees are settled in the first year of the Resettlement Scheme. People are dying now. People are in danger now. People need help - now. 

We also urge the government to make settling 20,000 refugees a minimum rather than a maximum target. We cannot put a numerical cap on the number of lives that we are prepared to save - rather, as a compassionate nation, we should make it our ambition to help as many refugees as possible and in doing so preserve and promote the sanctity of every human life.

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