Letter to the Editor: The Prime Minister was right to condemn the lies...
The Prime Minister was right to condemn the lies and disinformation that are polluting our political space and to call for debate to be “based on facts and truth, not on lies”.
There is a readily available mechanism he can use to make his call a reality. The Welsh Government has already committed to introduce legislation to prevent deliberate factual deception by politicians and candidates. Breaches will lead to disqualification from, or barring from standing for, elected office. The measure has widespread public support - over 200,000 people have signed a petition calling for its introduction at Westminster and polling by Opinium shows that 72% of the public support it.
Democracy and the integrity of our politics is under real threat. Serious steps and meaningful action are needed. We call on the Government in Westminster to follow Wales' bold lead.
Jennifer Nadel, Co-Founder Compassion in Politics, Director Compassionate Politics, Stanford University
Dr Sam Fowles, Dr Sam Fowles, Barrister and Director of the Institute for Constitutional and Democratic Research
Lee Waters, Member of the Senedd/Aelod o'r Senedd
Rt. Hon. Liz Saville-Roberts MP, Plaid Cymru Westminster Group Leader
Baroness Ruth Lister of Burtersett
Adam Price, Member of the Senedd/Aelod o'r Senedd
Jane Dodds, Member of the Senedd/Aelod o'r Senedd, Leader Welsh Liberal Democrats
Lee Waters, Member of the Senedd/Aelod o'r Senedd
Dr Caroline Lucas, Former Green Party Leader and MP
Professor AC Grayling, CBE
Mark Stephens, CBE
Paul Mason, author of How to Stop Fascism
Neal Lawson, Director Compass
Diana Defries, Movement for an Adoption Apology
Lyanne Nicholl, CEO, 50:50 Parliament
Dr Elliott Johnson, Northumbria University and the Common Sense Policy Group
Dr Simon Duffy, Citizen Network
Professor Paul Gilbert, Compassionate Mind Foundation, University of Derby
Emeritus Professor Diane Reay, University of Cambridge
Jessica Townsend, Co-founder of MP Watch
Professor Danny Dorling, University of Oxford
Veronica Hawking, Campaign Director, 38 Degrees
Elkan Abrahamson, Broudie Jackson Canter solicitors
Prof Matthew Johnson, Chair of the Common Sense Policy Group and Professor of Public Policy, Northumbria University
Jacqueline Adams Movement for an Adoption Apology
Sarah Walker Smith, Group CEO
Sandy Martin, Chair, Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform
Richard Symons, Compass Solutions
Professor Irene Hardill, Northumbria University
Bee Rowlatt, MBE, Wollstonecraft Society
Karen Constantine, author. Taken: Experiences of Forced Adoption
Clare Fletcher, Broudie Jackson Canter Solicitors
Professor Kate Pickett OBE, University of York
Zack Polanski AM, Deputy Leader of the Green Party of England and Wales (London Assembly Member)
Professor Emeritus Richard Wilkinson, University of Nottingham
Fiona Barrows, The Community Councillor Collective
Peter Jukes, Executive Editor, Byline Times
Allyson M Pollock, Clinical Professor of Public Health Newcastle University
Emma Harrison, CEO Make Votes Matter
Will Fletcher, Interim CEO, Jo Cox Foundation
Mark Stephens, CBE, Partner, Howard Kennedy LLP
Will Snell, Chief Executive, Fairness Foundation
Dr Joe Hoover, Queen Mary University of London
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